Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Sz update & Botox appt

Well, It is Wednesday and we are still having more sz activity, but it is better than yesterday. We spoke to her neuro doc and he feels that this is just part of it all. He had told us from the start that he was expecting to see new and ever changing sz activity, but I was hoping for more than just 2 months of good control. We have increased her sz meds and hopefully that will help. If not, we will be going back to the hospital for another EEG and change the meds.

Botox! Well, not yet. We had our first appt with physical medicine today and she has given us baclofen for 1 month then we will go back and probably do Botox at that time. The great news is that the doctor is wonderful. We fell that we are on the right track and at the right place.

Thank you all for the continued prayers!

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